A Reflection Post-Scorpio Season 2024

Tone: This piece is unmasked and unedited, not to be taken as a credible source of knowledge or reference material but more so the yapping of someone who has to learn how to take up more space in the world, unfiltered, raw, authentic. This isn’t some novel that I need or want peer-reviewed, critiqued, and morphed into some SEO-optimized marketing copy. I refuse to overthink this review. If anything is factually incorrect, I’m healed enough to take it as a learning opportunity, not an attack to my moral character.

Now that Scorpio season 2024 ended on November 21, 2024, which coordinated perfectly with our ruling planet, Pluto, making a once-in-a-generation transition from Capricorn into Aquarius on November 19th, it feels like a great time to reflect on the absolute dumpster fire of a roller coaster this Scorpio season was for me and many others, yet instead of leaving a nasty aftertaste, optimism is the feeling that comes up. You might be thinking, “Rebecca, that is just gibberish to me.” Let’s snuggle up while I purr astrology facts about myself at you while giving you nuggets of lore about my life.

Brunette woman holding a black and white umbrella, standing in front of a creek. Oyster shells as a border image.

I am a November Scorpio, and autumn has been my favorite season for much of my life. My birthday is always right after Halloween, which has always meant that I’ve had a lifetime’s access to clearance Halloween candy, but as I’ve aged, that has progressed to clearance year-round home decor at TJ Maxx for my birthday. I’ll probably write about the differences between October Scorpios and November Scorpios in the future, but for now, I’ll say that I’m very proud in my birth month and Sun sign.

I say Sun sign, for those unfamiliar with the term, referring to the most common of the astrological placements for someone to know, based on the Earth’s positioning in relation to the Sun in its yearly orbital path. My spiritual practice is very much so rooted in science, and I firmly believe that anyone who rejects astrology fully, considering it as “less than” or beyond the realm of possibility needs to check their attachment to the patriarchy. I’ll elaborate on that point specifically sometime later, but I’m writing now at 3:49 am listening to Miss Murder by AFI while two candles dedicated to my white robe and gold robe statue of Santa Muerte burn at a level I need to be mindful about. Fire safety should be witchcraft 101, because we’re living out of spite now. We can’t burn ourselves unless we’re making a transition into our phoenix era. I also both need sleep and to get these thoughts out. I’m an artist. Sleep deprivation adds to my black cat persona. Am I a human? Am I an owl? Who who knows for sure these days? This is all just a giant simulation.

If you want to level up your astrology knowledge from Level 1 to Level 2, learning your “Big 3” is the next milestone of astrological concepts to research. In simple terms, your Big 3 consists of your Sun sign previously discussed, your moon sign based on moon placement, and your rising or ascendant sign, the two terms used interchangeably, referring to the sign on the horizon based on the exact time and location of your birth. The combination provides a more unique picture than the general stereotypes that stretch across people born within the same 28-ish day cycle (without googling that for accuracy). All this to say, my Moon sign is Aquarius, which I haven’t really associated with myself and my personality like I have my Virgo rising, but the Aquarius in me did make an immediate presence after the shift occurred.

Just to make it abundantly clear, take note of the placement of the Sun, Moon, and the constellations is rooted in science. My flavor of spirituality loves evidence-based belief system, which can evolve as my knowledge and understanding of the universe grows with time and lived experiences. I create spreadsheets, I curate my own personal library of books, I record my process and how my intended outcome relates to what my intentions were. This makes more sense to me than the blind faith of monotheistic organized religion ever did. While I grew up in a Catholic Puerto Rican house that recognized the occult enough to take me to a witch doctor to save my life after I had spent a year in the hospital as a toddler, not expected to live to see kindergarten. However, these beliefs were hidden in the broom closet to not be discussed openly. My abuela taught me to sew, for example, but she didn’t teach me that a blanket stitch can be used to add a protective element to any garment to give it a little energetic boost. She paved the way so I could run. Hell, I’ll go as far as to say that my practice is general is significantly different than hers solely due to our generational differences in access to the internet. Technological witchcraft is here.

Bringing this back to its purpose, the overarching theme of Scorpio season 2024 has been that I have lived 1000 lives and will continue through cycles throughout my life, but through intentional efforts paired with divine intervention, I can manifest anything.

Let me brag here for a second. This is my website. You’re actively choosing to read this. Let me be happy for myself without judgment here. I was evicted from the first apartment I lived in my life post-children because my marriage had failed, I was “let go” from my job which was gracious given that my mental health had severely affected my performance (based on capitalistic and ableist standards of productivity and communication). I’m now living in a dreamy private rental directly on the water- a single family home with pool where my landlords allow us to use their kayaks. It’s in arguably the best school zone in my city, and both of my children are thriving, including one with a 504 plan of accommodations in place to balance education with mental health. I used to regularly say that I hated myself, but today, despite acknowledging to both myself and to others mistakes I’ve made in the past, I love myself and I’ve learned to give myself so much more grace than I have ever in my life.

There are three phases to Scorpio- the scorpion, who was thrown into ocean by Mars for its calculated, unforeseen stings of attack, the eagle who soars above the ocean to see both where its started and where it is going, and the final phase of the phoenix who has made it through death by fire and risen from the ashes a new form- not better, not different, but new. A clean slate to analyze. A turning point. Depending on the hour, I will say I’m solidly past my scorpion era and either an eagle or a phoenix. An eagle would be more of an imposter syndrome-y answer, so for the sake of conversation, I’ll claim phoenix as of right now.

I have STRUGGLED in my life, often alone not by choice but left feeling abandoned by others, particularly the people in my life that claim to love me the most yet don’t show up with their actions despite clear communication of what could help in that moment of crisis. I’ve had to get over my resent of the term, “resilient,” because I haven’t wanted to be, but it was either fight or die, and I’ve got two kids so that second one was never an option. I’ve always been the primary parent, and their quality of life would significantly decrease without me in their life, and that motivation has been with me through some trenches.

Realistically, I know that I’ll experience more highs and lows in short time periods like I have over the past month. I’ve collectively had well over 1,350,000 views on TikTok resulting in over 550 sales of my art over 16 countries. In just over 30 days. I haven’t “tried” to stand out and take space for a very long time. I masked, I did what I could to fit in and be liked, but the phoenix doesn’t need external validation to know the magic that lies within. The phoenix has learned to trust itself and the decisions it makes that regardless of the outcome, a new opportunity will present itself on the horizon soon enough. Time isn’t linear. We’re constantly in a state of cycles.

TL;DR: I’d give Scorpio Season a 4/10, would not recommend, would not repeat but recognize its importance “for the plot.”

Love you, bye.


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